Saturday, January 26, 2013

Populaire 1 done

We had an amazing ride, but no pics to share. We rolled out at 9:30 with three of us, but quickly lost the 3rd rider, as he not able to keep up and this was Randonneuring, so each person needed to find their own pace. The kilometers clicked quickly by with some bigger than anticipated climbs on the Eastern plains.We averaged around 45 minutes ahead of schedule for each of the controls. Our final time was 5:27 total time with a riding time of 4:30. Riding average speed was 23.2 KMH. Total riding time average speed was around 20KMH.

The new gearing was amazing and I never missed my granny or even had to think about anything higher than 3rd from the top, with most of the climbs being lower than that.

Now, I can move on to next month's Populaire and trying to figure out what Permanent to ride.

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